Labor-law disputes

Grabalski, Kempiński i Wspólnicy lawyers have vast experience in representing Clients in labor law-related disputes. Our team has participated in the proceedings connected with the termination of employment, mobbing and discrimination of employees. We are also experienced in disputes connected with breaches of non-competition agreements by employees and managers.

The scope of advisory services:

  • proceedings before common courts of law and the Supreme Court;
  • proceedings before a social arbitration body;
  • conciliatory negotiations and mediations;


Katarzyna Nowicka

partner, advocate

Katarzyna Nowicka

Agnieszka Skowron

partner, attorney-at-law

Agnieszka Skowron

Małgorzata Mieleszko


Małgorzata Mieleszko

Have any questions?
Contact us

ul. Jasna 14/16A
00-041 Warszawa


T: +48 22 657 20 00
F: +48 22 657 22 00


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