
Our lawyers have vast experience in advising on labor law issues, especially in drafting and negotiating employment-related agreements, including employment contracts, managerial contracts, and non-competition agreements, as well as employer’s internal documents related to employment.

Our team also advises in employment restructuring processes, including collective redundancies, and transactions related to the transfer of work establishments to new employers.

The scope of advisory services:

  • employment contracts and managerial contracts;
  • non-competition agreements;
  • employment restructuring;
  • transfer of work establishments;
  • due diligence related to labor law.


Agnieszka Skowron

partner, attorney-at-law

Agnieszka Skowron

Katarzyna Nowicka

partner, advocate

Katarzyna Nowicka

Have any questions?
Contact us

ul. Jasna 14/16A
00-041 Warszawa

LI: www.linkedin.com/company/gkwlegal/

T: +48 22 657 20 00
F: +48 22 657 22 00

E: kancelaria@gkwlegal.pl

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