Public equity offerings

Lawyers from Grabalski, Kempinski i Wspólnicy team have extensive experience in preparing and execution of public share offerings (IPOs, SPOs), acquisitions of large blocks of shares and ongoing advisory services for public companies, also in the area of compliance with disclosure obligations. Our lawyers have also advised many issuers on the implementation of incentive schemes.

The scope of advisory services:

  • preparation of offering prospectuses;
  • proceedings before the Polish Financial Supervisions Authority (KNF);
  • fulfilment of disclosure requirements;
  • share underwriting agreements;
  • drafting documents and implementing incentive schemes in public companies.


Arkadiusz Grabalski

partner, attorney-at-law

Arkadiusz Grabalski

Marek Kempiński

partner, attorney-at-law

Marek Kempiński

Have any questions?
Contact us

ul. Jasna 14/16A
00-041 Warszawa


T: +48 22 657 20 00
F: +48 22 657 22 00


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