Advice provided to Polmlek Group on obtaining financing for purchasing shares in Rolmlecz and Lacpol

GKW lawyers advised Polmlek Group in process of obtaining financing for the acquisition of Rolmlecz and Lacpol.

The scope of counselling included verification of financing acquisition documentation, including collateral agreements, verification of conditions precedent to payment of financing and preparation of corporate documents required by the bank in connection with the transaction.

Polmlek Group is the largest private company with 100% Polish capital from dairy industry in Poland.


The transaction was handled by:

Arkadiusz Grabalski

Justyna Fedyszyn

Paulina Banasik

Participation in the 17th Local Government Capital and Finance Forum in Katowice

On October 2-3, 2019, we participated in the 17th Local Government Capital and Finance Forum in Katowice.

As speakers, we took part in discussion panels: “Financing”, “Concentration of assets (mergers of municipal companies) to improve the financial capacity of the municipal sector in cities – forms and methods” and “Financing environmentally friendly investments in public transport (infrastructure and rolling stock) using leasing and / or revenue bonds. ”

Thanks to the organizers and participants for the meeting and the opportunity to exchange experiences. See you in a year!


More information about the forum: